Contribute to 2025 SBA Thirsty Thursday Sponsorship
Entering your contact information allows the organization to acknowledge your generous contribution. Specify the contribution amount and an optional comment.
Depending on the configuration, you may also be able to specify if this should be reported as anonymous
(although your contact information is still required.) Click Proceed to Payment to finalize and pay by credit
card or by printing an invoice and mailing a check.
- Anyone can use this portal to pay by credit card for your sponsorship.
- There will be a non-member convenience fee charged by Club Express of $5.
- If you are a member, please login before processing your payment and this fee is waived.
- Make sure you have sent your sponsorship pledge form to SBA Sponsorship Committee Member for accurate Sponsor recognition.
- Feel free to email with any questions
In addition to your name, please enter your address, phone number and email address. This
will allow us to contact you if necessary.